Guns and Gear

Guns and Gear

How Do I Lock Back My Pistol Slide?

In my opinion, there aren’t too many firearms handling skills that are…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Beautifully Flawed Douglas X-3 Stiletto

The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was an experimental aircraft designed to test sustained…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

New Guns And Gear January 2025

Looking for a new iron or piece of kit to enhance the…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Self-Defense: How To Stay Cool In The Face Of Deadly Threats

Here we discuss some strategies for staying cool and ahead of fear…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Best Micro Compact 9mm Pistols [Field Tested]

These micro compact 9mm handguns are more than ready for everyday carry…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Apex Defense Unlimited Kydex Holsters: 7-Week Review

In today’s article, author Robert A. Sadowski reviews several Kydex holsters from…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Jens Ansø Leaves GiantMouse after Nearly 10 Years

Jens Ansø is leaving GiantMouse Knives, a company that he helped to…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Kansept Pairs up with New Maker for Leviathan Family

Kansept had a whole mess of new knives roll out through the…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey

Massad Ayoob: One-Handed Reload Tactics

Editor’s Note: Massad Ayoob has been teaching one-hand only reloads in emergencies to…

Jimmie Dempsey Jimmie Dempsey