Guns and Gear
How Do I Lock Back My Pistol Slide?
In my opinion, there aren’t too many firearms handling skills that are…
Beautifully Flawed Douglas X-3 Stiletto
The Douglas X-3 Stiletto was an experimental aircraft designed to test sustained…
Self-Defense: How To Stay Cool In The Face Of Deadly Threats
Here we discuss some strategies for staying cool and ahead of fear…
Best Micro Compact 9mm Pistols [Field Tested]
These micro compact 9mm handguns are more than ready for everyday carry…
Apex Defense Unlimited Kydex Holsters: 7-Week Review
In today’s article, author Robert A. Sadowski reviews several Kydex holsters from…
Jens Ansø Leaves GiantMouse after Nearly 10 Years
Jens Ansø is leaving GiantMouse Knives, a company that he helped to…
Kansept Pairs up with New Maker for Leviathan Family
Kansept had a whole mess of new knives roll out through the…
Massad Ayoob: One-Handed Reload Tactics
Editor’s Note: Massad Ayoob has been teaching one-hand only reloads in emergencies to…